
One Game Per Week 選修課程資訊

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點閱次數: 890
【One Game Per Week 選修課程資訊】

來自紐約長島大學(Long Island University) 的Ramiro Corbetta教授將於本學期3月 3日起開設3學分的遊戲程式設計選修課程One Game Per Week,上課時間為每周三7:00~9:00 PM,地點W708,預計招收20~25位名額(含大學部與研究所)。有興趣選修的同學,請至學校網站下載南台人學習檔(本校學生>學務資訊>南臺人學習檔),並加上個人遊戲作品說明與截圖做成履歷表。於2 /25(含)前上傳PDF檔至以下空間,並請於2/26 (五)下午1:30至系辦參加簡短面試。本課程學生需具備自行製作遊戲的程式設計能力,另有英語專長TA進行協助。
Ramiro教授畢業於紐約設計名校帕森斯設計學院 (Parsons School of Design) 。他的作品Glow Artisan (2011)曾獲得IGF獨立遊戲節最佳行動遊戲設計獎;Hokra (2012)則獲得了IndieCade獨立遊戲節玩家票選獎;他參與Kickstater募資成功的PS4遊戲Sportsfriends被Guardian(衛報)以及多倫多太陽報(Toronto Sun)列為2014年度最佳多人遊戲。此外,他的作品曾在洛杉磯MOCA以及紐約的博物館展出,也曾在NYU、哥倫比亞、普林斯頓、MIT等名校受邀演說。貼文下方連結為教授作品Hokra。
Course Description(課程介紹):
Rapid prototyping is an important skill in game development. Most large, successful titles started off as small prototypes. Moreover, many small, creative games can arise from this prototyping process. In this course students create a new digital game every week. While sometimes rough and unpolished, these weekly projects teach students the value of rapid iteration. Students work within very tight constraints, learning how to make efficient use of their time. Through this process students also strive to find their preferred development style and their artistic voice. This is an intensive, advanced course that requires lots of hours of work each week.
Assignments (作業):
Each week you will be given a prompt. Your assignment for the following week is to submit a game based on that prompt. The goal of this class is to explore new game concepts within limited constraints. You will be graded on the quality of your work, but you will also be graded on your creativity and attempt to make something new and interesting. It is okay to ignore copyright rules for this class (as long as you are not breaking any rules set by your school). It is also okay to use assets and code snippets that you find online. Nonetheless, the overall ideas and work must be yours. It is not okay to take a pre-made game and modify it. Every game must be a new piece of creative work that you are creating specifically for this class.
Assignments are due before class begins. You must submit a zipped folder of your game to me before class begins. Please name your zipped folder YourName_GameName. Then also upload a .jpg screenshot of your game with the exact same title as that zipped folder. If your game is not in the folder in the format listed above or if your game does not properly run when you have to present it in class, it counts as a missed game.
發布日期: 2021/02/22
發布人員: 許博鈞